Tokachi trout rods detail

Rod Shaft:Rod Shaft: 3 piece with a perfect mirror tip / Hand planed / Hollow built construction / Dark flamed
3 piece with a perfect mirror tip / Hand planed / Hollow built construction / Dark flamed
Ferrules:Ferrules: Hand made from nickel silver bar stock
Hand made from nickel silver bar stock
Guides:Guides: Snake Brand guides
Snake Brand guides
Striping:Striping: Agate stripping guide
Agate stripping guide
Winds:Winds: Japanese red bean (dark claret) with lemon yellow trimmings
Japanese red bean (dark claret) with lemon yellow trimmings
Cane Finish:Cane Finish: Hand brush finish with plant resin varnish
Hand brush finish with plant resin varnish
Modified-fine-fullwellModified-fine-fullwell / Modified-fullwellModified-fullwell / FullwellFullwell
Reel Seats:
Pocket & slide ring (for Modified-fine-fullwell)Pocket & slide ring (for Modified-fine-fullwell) / Downlocking-screwDownlocking-screw  / Up-locking screwUp-locking screw / Up-locking screw + 1 ½" removable fighting butt 1Up-locking screw ( 1½" removable fighting butt). 2Up-locking screw ( 1½" removable fighting butt)
Selected striped cherry
Rod Bag:
Cloth of kimono with a support stick and a ferrule plug pocket (Color varies)
Case:Case: Aluminum tube with a specifications label and Ferrule plugs, Rod case bag including.
Aluminum tube with a specifications label and Ferrule plugs, Rod case bag including.

*Each Rod has a serial number on a reel seat hardware and a tube label

Rod Prices

up to 7'6"
$ 2,880.00
up to 8'0"
$ 3,005.00
up to 8'6"
$ 3,130.00
up to 9'0"
$ 3,255.00

*All specifications are subject to change without notice
*Prices subject to change without notice.

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